Love, Joy, Peace...


We are a member congregation of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod.

We are a family whose members care for each other, our community, and God’s creation.

We are forgiven. Jesus came into the world to save sinners like us, and we believe that through His death and resurrection, we receive forgiveness and new life.

We worship together because of what God did and does for us.

We confess the three ecumenical (universal) Creeds: Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian. We believe the Bible is truly the Word of God to us and all people.

We are not perfect, but we strive to carry out Christ’s commands to love God and serve our neighbor in response to what He did for us.

We celebrate two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion. We draw strength and peace from them for our daily lives.

We become even stronger when you join us.